At Kicks and Kindness, we pride ourselves in doing our part to make an impact with our fashion. In 2022, we began to bring Thrift Flips into the mix and we are SO excited to share them with you.

All products listed are made from authentic second hand apparel. We find them at garage sales, thrift stores and even buy from our customers. Each piece is hand picked, coordinated together, and then handmade in our she shed.

  • Saving Mother Nature

    With the rise of fast fashion, people have become quick to toss last seasons trends to get new. By thrifting, items that were once en route to landfills have been given new life instead.

  • Minimal Use of Raw Materials

    By thrifting, we don't use any new natural resources in the production of our refashioned gear. Did you know, about 1,800 gallons of water are needed just to grow enough cotton for one pair of jeans?

  • One-of-a-kind Items

    Who really wants to show up somewhere and have someone wearing the same exact outfit? Not us! By showing our thrift flips, you will know you have something that is completely as unique as you!

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